Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
Offer: Support for Compassion.vn's Volunteers Tuition - Quiet Communication Course
Compassion.vn's tuition support policy for volunteers - this is a commitment in Charity's gratitude policy to its Volunteers. With the Quiet Communication course - 35% off.
Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About The Event
Offer: Support for Compassion.vn Volunteers' Tuition Fees
Register for support: https://www.compassion.vn/events-1/uu-dai-ho-tro-hoc-phi-cho-volunteer-cua-compassion-vn-khoa-hoc-quiet-communication
To Compassion.vn can operate its activities during the past 1 year, Compassion has received a lot of support from volunteers - volunteers. You can be a volunteer, event support volunteer, technical support volunteer...
In its gratitude policy, compassion is ready to support volunteers who can access their activities, with a certain priority and support. This is gratitude and thanks for your kindness!
At the first Quiet Communication, Thien Tam supported the tuition fees for some volunteers who could participate in the course. In this second opening course, Compassion continues that policy: Supporting 35% of tuition fees for Volunteers - Compassion's volunteers. View course details: www.compassion.vn/quietcommunication
- Tuition fee after discount (35% discount): 312,000 VND / package of 2 lessons - 585,000 VND / package of 4 sessions.
- You join and use the main courses like all other members - regardless of audience
- Apply object:
1. Compassionate supporters in active translation - assistance techniques - previous supporting events
2. Those who are registered and willing to assist as volunteers (although there is no direct support program) (according to the registration list to which compassion is received and in the official Volunteers group) Compassion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/compassionvolunteerteam)
3. People who are willing to become volunteers in the future (commit to being ready to support Charity as a volunteer in the future) (You need to join the main formula of the Volunteer group and post sign up to become a volunteer volunteer there).
- Number of recipients for tuition support: The number of students is limited depending on the class (class can only accept up to 15 people to ensure quality - so the number of volunteers is very limited)
- Mode of browsing: Compassion receives your registration and contact us directly for approval
- Time to receive the registration of Offers for volunteers: 00h - September 4, 2018.
Register for support: https://www.compassion.vn/events-1/uu-dai-ho-tro-hoc-phi-cho-volunteer-cua-compassion-vn-khoa-hoc-quiet-communication
Review course details: Quiet Communication - Introvert Effective Communication: www.compassion.vn/quietcommunication
Thank you and gratitude to you.